Powerhertz has executed the following project work since Aug 2012.
Renewable Generation
216MVA capacity, 170MW rated output – R1 modelling GPS compliance studies, HP testing, R2 model validation.
217MVA capacity, 162MW rated output – R1 modelling GPS compliance studies, Protection coordination study, HP testing, R2 model validation, Harmonic study.
162MVA capacity, 120MW rated output – R1 modelling GPS compliance studies, Protection coordination study, HP testing, R2 model validation, Harmonic study.
324MVA capacity, 275MW rated output- HP testing, R2 model validation.
Synchronous Generation
1 x 750 MW- AVR and Governor model development, HP/R2 testing and model validation.
2 x 170MVA Siemens V94.2 gas turbines, GE Converteam Semipol AVR and Siemens SIMADYN turbine governor – Generator compliance testing of AVR, turbine governor, generator protection to generator performance standard and National Electricity Rules. Owner’s engineer for control system upgrade project, governor model for the new Siemens T3000 governor control including design report, Commissioning hold point testing and report, R2 testing and report.
2 x 168MW Siemens V94.2 gas turbines-Governor compliance testing, model validation and compliance monitoring program. GE Converteam Semipol AVR and Siemens FM458 R3000 turbine governor modelling.
Combined cycle 320MW Governor upgrade project – Generator, AVR, PSS and governor model review and validation.
2 x 186MVA open cycle gas power station- Governor compliance testing.
2 x 72MVA –Siemens RG3 AVR , Siemens PCS7 steam turbine governor control – Generator performance R2 testing, PSS tuning study and model validation to Western Power Technical Rules.